Improving Mobility in Cities
Anadue’s CitySmarts platform supports data-driven decision making for local governments responsible for transport, air quality, city planning and meeting carbon emission targets.
We give you the confidence that shared mobility schemes are complying with the rules you’ve set. This gives you the power to manage the relationship between shared mobility operators, riders and other right-of-way users.
We identify the impact micromobility schemes have on the quality of life in cities.
Service Overview
How popular are shared micromobility services with your residents and businesses? When are they most used? How much road surface can you justify reserving for them?

Origin / Destination Analysis
What are the most popular journeys? How much parking space is needed at popular spots? When is the peak? Where are people coming from? Is the service helping areas poorly served by other transport options?

Popular Routes
View the roads where most shared mobility journeys occur. Filter to view trips on pedestrianised areas, main roads or by time/day. See the average speed of trips in each road. Plan to make roads safer for everyone.

Popular Junctions
See where shared mobility journey cross road junctions. Plan to make the roads safer for riders, walkers and drivers.

Enforce Compliance
Confirm that shared micromobility operators are complying to local regulations and Service Level Agreements. This includes fleet size caps, hours of operation, no ride and no parking zones, minimum availability levels and much more.
With CitySmarts, you can be confident that shared micromobility is operating withing safety limits and providing the service your city needs.