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Anadue to attend Micromobility Europe 2019 in Berlin 1/Oct/19

Updated: Nov 29, 2021

Anadue is proud to participate in the first ever conference in Europe dedicated to the micromobility sector. Organised by Micromobility Industries ( the conference will take place in Berlin on Tuesday 1st October.

There is a packed agenda with major players from across the world, from shared mobility scheme operators, software developers, investors in micromobility and many more. It will explore the wide variety of micromobility modes, from powered unicycles to electric mopeds. An important topic will be the inclusion of intelligence into the vehicle.

In addition, Anadue has already arranged to meet with many other companies attending the event as delegates.

Our objective in attending the event is to spread the message that micromobility is an amazing opportunity to reclaim our cities from the dominance of the car. For over a hundred years, our streets, towns and homes have been designed to make life easy for cars, and yet they still offer only a mediocre experience. Journeys are often delayed by unexpected traffic jams, they pollute the air for everyone around them, and when you reach your destination, you can struggle to find anywhere to park them, even with many miles of curb-side real-estate dedicated to car parking.

Anadue offers the bridge between shared mobility scheme operators and the cities where they operate. Working together we can make shared micromobility a success for residents, local businesses and the scheme operators. The challenges to overcome include monitoring and managing rider behaviour to avoid injuries to riders and pedestrians from bad driving and inconsiderate parking. Using Anadue’s solutions, every journey and every parking event can be analysed. Problems such as large clusters of parked vehicles are easily detected to trigger remedial action by the operator. Riders that do not follow scheme rules can be identified. Roads and junctions can be redesigned to ensure cars, bikes and scooters can all share the available space efficiently. Shared scheme operators can maximise the number of rides per day with optimal placement of vehicles based on Machine Learning and multiple input data, from current traffic conditions to the weather forecast.

If you want to meet Anadue at the Micromobility conference in Berlin, contact us now at to arrange an appointment.




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